Simple Building with Composer.json

In Custom PHP Land, it can be complicated to load all server-side and client-side dependencies, libraries, and assets for a web application. However, all dependencies can be declared in a single composer.json in the vhost root.

An Example

 "name": "my-org/my-lovely-web-app",
 "description": "My Lovely Web App",
 "license": "proprietary",
 "repositories": [
   "type": "composer",
   "url": ""
   "type": "git",
   "url": ""
   "type": "git",
   "url": ""
   "type": "package",
    "package": {
    "name" : "jquery/jquery",
    "version": "3.4.1",
    "dist": {
     "url": "",
     "type": "file"
 "require": {
  "twig/twig": "3.*",
  "my-org/custom-package": "1.*",
  "fortawesome/font-awesome": "5.15.1",
  "jquery/jquery": "3.4.1",
  "twbs/bootstrap": "v4.4.1"
 "scripts": {
  "post-autoload-dump": [
  "rm -rf app/vendor",
  "mkdir app/vendor",
  "mv vendor/fortawesome app/vendor/fortawesome",
  "mv vendor/jquery app/vendor/jquery",
  "mv vendor/twbs app/vendor/twbs",
  "rm -rf app/vendor/twbs/bootstrap/build app/vendor/twbs/bootstrap/js app/vendor/twbs/bootstrap/nuget app/vendor/twbs/bootstrap/scss app/vendor/twbs/bootstrap/site app/vendor/twbs/bootstrap/*.*"

This example assumes the web application has a vhost root (/) and a web root (/app). Server-side dependencies will be saved to /vendor by default.

Client-side dependencies need to be moved to the web root. This can be done by using Composer scripts. The above example saves all dependencies to /vendor; makes a new app/vendor directory; moves the javascript and css libraries to app/vendor; and removes some build files and other junk from one library. The resulting directory structure looks like this:

- composer.json
- composer.lock
- vendor
  - my-org
  - twig
- app
  - vendor
    - fortawesome
    - jquery
    - twbs

Why use server-side composer.json to declare all dependencies?
